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胡艳宇 2018级博士研究生)

姓名:胡艳宇   2018级博士研究生  工作单位:尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com生态研究所


2011.09 — 2015.07  大连民族大学,环境科学,获得理学学士学位

2015.09 — 2018.07  尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,生态学,获得理学硕士学位

2018.09 — 2021.12   尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,生态学,攻读博士学位




Email: 2219647582 AT qq.com



Xiao-Tao L *, Sasha Reed, Shuang-Li Hou, Yan-Yu Hu, Hai-Wei Wei, Fu-Mei Lu, Qiang Cui, Xing-Guo Han. 2017. Temporal variability of foliar nutrients: responses to nitrogen deposition and prescribed fire in a temperate steppe. Biogeochemistry, 133: 295-305.

Shuang-Li Hou, Jiang-Xia Yin, Jun-Jie Yang, Guo-Jiao Yang, Hai-Wei Wei, Yan-Yu Hu, Xing-Guo Han, Xiao-Tao L *. 2017. Consistent responses of litter stoichiometry to N addition across different biological organization levels in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil, 421:191-202.

胡艳宇, 乌云娜, 霍光伟, . 不同放牧强度下羊草草原群落斑块植被-土壤特征[J]. 生态学杂志, 2018, 37(01): 9-16.

Xiao-Tao L *, Zhuo-Yi Liu, Yan-Yu Hu, Hai-Yang Zhang. 2018. Testing nitrogen and water co-limitation of primary productivity in a temperate steppe. Plant and Soil, 432: 119-127.

Xiao-Tao L , Yan-Yu Hu, Hai-Yang Zhang, Hai-Wei Wei, Shuang-Li Hou, Guo-Jiao Yang, Zhuo-Yi Liu, Xiao-Bo Wang. 2018. Intraspecific variation drives community-level stoichiometric responses to nitrogen and water enrichment in a temperate steppe. Plant and Soil. 423: 307-315.

Shuang-Li Hou, Gregoire T. Freschet, Jun-Jie Yang, Yun-Hai Zhang, Jiang-Xia Yin, Yan-Yu Hu, Hai-Wei Wei, Xing-Guo Han, Xiao-Tao L *. 2018. Quantifying the indirect effects of nitrogen deposition on grassland litter chemical traits. Biogeochemistry, 139: 261-273.

Shuang-Li Hou, Xiao-Tao L *, Jiang-Xia Yin, Jun-Jie Yang, Yan-Yu Hu, Hai-Wei Wei, Zhi-Wei Zhang, Guo-Jiao Yang, Zhuo-Yi Liu, Xing-Guo Han. 2019. The relative contributions of intra- and inter-specific variation in driving community stoichiometric responses to nitrogen deposition and mowing in a grassland. Science of the Total Environment, 666: 887-893.

Xiao-Tao L *, Yan-Yu Hu, Amelia Wolf, Xing-Guo Han. 2019. Species richness mediates within-species nutrient resorption: implications for the biodiversity-productivity relationship. Journal of Ecology. (Accepted)