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1. Zhang XK, Guan PT, Wang YL, Li Q, Zhang SX, Zhang ZY, Bezemer TM, Liang WJ*. 2015. Community composition, diversity and metabolic footprints of soil nematodes in differently-aged temperate forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 80:118-126

2. Li Q*, Yang Y, Bao XL, Liu F, Liang WJ*, Zhu JG, Bezemer TM , van der Putten WH. 2015. Legacy effects of elevated ozone on soil biota and plant growth. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 91:50-57 

3. Guan PT, Zhang XK*, Yu J, Ma NN, Liang WJ*. 2015. Variation of soil nematode community composition with increasing sand-fixation year of Caragana microphylla: Bioindication for desertification restoration. Ecological Engineering. 81:93-101

4. Zhang SX, Li Q*, Lü Y, Sun XM, Jia SX, Zhang XP, Liang WJ*. 2015. Conservation tillage positively influences the microflora and microfauna in the black soil of Northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research. 149:46-52

5. Bao XL, Yu J, Liang WJ*, Lu CY, Zhu JG, Li Q*. 2015. The interactive effects of elevated ozone and wheat cultivars on soil microbial community composition and metabolic diversity. Applied Soil Ecology. 87:11-18

6. Zhang ZY, Zhang XK*, Zhao JX, Zhang XP, Liang WJ. 2015. Tillage and rotation effects on community composition and metabolic footprints of soil nematodes in a black soil. European Journal of Soil Biology. 66:40-48

7. Bao XL, Li Q*, Hua JF, Zhao TH, Liang WJ. 2014. Interactive effects of elevated Ozone and UV-B radiation on soil nematode diversity. Ecotoxicology. 23:11-20

8. Yu J, Glazer N, Steinberger Y*. 2014. Carbon utilization, microbial biomass, and respiration in biological soil crusts in the Negev Desert. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 50:285-293

9. Zhang XK, Wu X, Zhang SX, Xing YH, Wang R, Liang WJ*.2014. Organic amendment effects on aggregate-associated organic C, microbial biomass C and glomalin in agricultural soils.Catena.123:188-194

10. Li Q*, Bai HH, Liang WJ*, Xia JY, Wan SQ, van der Putten WH. 2013. Nitrogen Addition and Warming Independently Influence the Belowground Micro-Food Web in a Temperate Steppe. PLoS ONE. 8(3):e60441

11. Sun XM,Zhang XK*, Zhang SX, Dai GH, Han SJ, Liang WJ*. 2013. Soil nematode responses to increases in nitrogen deposition and precipitation in a temperate forest. PLoS ONE. 8(12):E82468

12. Zhang SX, Li Q*, Lü Y, Zhang XP, Liang WJ*. 2013. Contributions of soil biota to C sequestration varied with aggregate fractions under different tillage systems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 62:147-156 

13. Zhang XK, Li Q, Liang WJ*, Zhang M, Bao XL, Xie ZB. 2013. Soil Nematode Response to Biochar Addition in a Chinese Wheat Field. Pedosphere. 23(1):98-103

14. Zhang JN, Liang WJ, Wu X, Jiang SW, Li Q*. 2013. Toxic Effects of Acetochlor on Mortality, Reproduction and Growth of Caenorhabditis elegans and Pristionchus pacificus. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 90:364-368 

15. Yu J, Grishkan I, Steinberger Y. 2013. Microfungal-community diversity in Zygophyllum dumosum and Hammada scoparia root zones in the northern Negev Desert. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 53(4):390-400 

16. Li Q, Bao XL, Lu CY, Zhang XK, Zhu JG, Jiang Y, Liang WJ*. 2012. Soil microbial food web responses to free-air ozone enrichment depended on the ozone-tolerance of wheat cultivars. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 47:27-35  

17. Yu J, Kidron GJ, Pen-Mouratov S, Wasserstrom H, Barness G, Steinberger Y. 2012. Do development stages of biological soil crusts determine activity and functional diversity in a sand-dune ecosystem? Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 51: 66-72  

18. Zhang XK#, Li Q#, Zhu AN, Liang WJ*, Zhang JB, Steinberger Y. 2012. Effects of tillage and residue management on soil nematode communities in North China. Ecological Indicators. 13: 75-81  

19. Zhang SX#, Li Q#, Zhang XP#, Wei K, Chen LJ, Liang WJ*. 2012. Effects of conservation tillage on soil aggregation and aggregate binding agents in black soil of Northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research. 124: 196-202  

20. Zhang M, Liang WJ, Zhang XK*. 2012. Soil nematode abundance and diversity in different forest types at Changbai Mountain, China. Zoological Studies. 51(5): 619-626  

21. Zhang M, Ahad S, Baniyamuddin M, Liang WJ, Ahmad W. 2012. A new and three known species of the genus Tylencholaimellus Cobb in M.V. Cobb, 1915 (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) from Changbai Mountain, China. Zootaxa. 3499:46-62

22. Lou YL, Liang WJ*, Xu MG, He XH, Wang YD, Zhao K. 2011. Straw coverage alleviates seasonal variability of the topsoil microbial biomass and activity. Catena. 86(2):117-120

23. Lou YL, Wang JK, Liang WJ*. 2011. Impacts of 22-year organic and inorganic N managements on soil organic C fractions in a maize field, Northeast China. Catena. 87(3):386-390

24. Zhang M, Zhang XK, Liang WJ, Jiang Y*, Dai GH, Han SJ. 2011. Distribution of soil organic carbon fractions along the altitudinal gradient in the northern slope of Changbai Mountain. Pedoshphere , 21(5):615-620 25. Li Q, Zhong S, Li FP, Lou YL, Liang WJ*. 2011. Nematode community structure as bioindicator of soil heavy metal pollution along an urban-rural gradient in southern Shenyang, China. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 45(4): 297-309


1. Mohammad Mahamood, Li Q, Arvind Keshari, Liang WJ. 2015. Sino-Indian nematodes. Descriptions of Diphtherophpra chinensis sp. n., Aphelenchoides brevicauda sp. n. and Diplogastrellus latigubernacula sp. n.. International Journal of Nematology. 25:90-95

2. Wang YL, Zhang M, Zhang XK*, Wang XG, Liang WJ. 2012. Geostatistical analysis of soil total nitrogen in natural and secondary forests of Changbai Mountain, China. Advanced Science Letters. 11(1):106-109 


1. 杨悦,鲍雪莲,鲁彩艳,梁翠影,梁文举,李琪* . 2015. 增施氮肥能够缓解麦田土壤线虫群落对O3 浓度升高的响应. 生态学报. 35(8): 2494-2501

2. 刘芳,李琪*,申聪聪,褚海燕,梁文举. 2014. 长白山不同海波梯度裸肉足虫群落分布特征.生物多样性. 22(5):608-617

3. 鲍雪莲, 李琪*, 梁文举, 朱建国. 2011. 大气CO2浓度升高和氮肥管理对稻麦轮作系统土壤线虫群落组成的影响.中国农业科学,44(22):4627-4635
