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2. Li YB, G.F.(Ciska) Veen, W.H.Gera Hol, Simon Vandenbrande, S.Emilia Hannula, Freddy C. ten Hooven, Li Q*, Liang WJ, T. Martijn Bezemer. 2020. ‘Home’ and ‘away’ litter decomposition depends on the size fractions of the soil biotic community. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.144:107783
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3. Kou XC#, Ma NN#, Zhang XK*, Xie HT, Zhang XD, Wu ZF*, Liang WJ, Li Q, Howard Ferris. 2020. Frequency of stover mulching but not amount regulates the decomposition pathways of soil micro-foodwebs in a no-tillage system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 144:107789
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4. Du XF#, Li YB#, Han X, Wasim Ahmad, Li Q*. 2020. Using high-throughput sequencing quantitatively to investigate soil nematode community composition in a steppe-forest ecotone. Applied Soil Ecology. 152:103562 全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2020.103562
5. Kou XC, Zhang XK*, Bai W, Cai Q, Wu ZF*, Li Q, Liang WJ. 2020. Exploring N fertilizer reduction and organic material addition practices: An examination of their alleviating effect on the nematode food web in cropland. Land Degradation and Development. 31(18):2952-2961
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6. Zhang GZ, Kou XC, Zhang XK*, Bai W, Liang WJ*.2020. Effect of row spacings on soil nematode communities and ecosystem multifunctionality at an aggregate scale. Scientific Reports.10:4779 全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61498-x
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8. Guan PT, Zhang XK*, Cheng YY, Zheng HR, Liang WJ. 2020. Biocrust regulates the effects of water and temperature on soil microbial and nematode communities in a semiarid ecosystem. Land Degradation & Development. 31(11):1335–1343 全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3522
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11. Guan PT, Zhang XK*, Yu J, Cheng YY, Li Q, Walter S. Andriuzzi, Liang WJ*. 2018. Soil microbial food web channels associated with biological soil crusts in desertification restoration: The carbon flow from microbes to nematodes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 116:82-90
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12. Cui SY#, Liang SW#, Zhang XK, Li YB, Liang WJ*, Sun LJ, Wang JK, Bezemer TM, Li Q*. 2018. Long-term fertilization management effects the C utilization from crop residues by the soil micro-food web. Plant and Soil, 429:335-348 全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3688-4
13. Kou XC#, Su TQ#, Ma NN, Li Q*, Wang P*, Wu ZF, Liang WJ, Cheng WX. 2018. Soil micro-food web interactions and rhizosphere priming effect. Plant and Soil, 432:129-142 全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3782-7
14. Li YB, Li Q*, Yang JJ, Lü XT, Liang WJ*, Han XG, Bezemer TM. 2017. Home-field advantages of litter decomposition increase with increasing N deposition rates: a litter and soil perspective. Functional Ecology. 31(9): 1792-1801 全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.12863
15. Zhang XK, Ferris Howard*, Mitchell Jeffrey, Liang WJ. 2017. Ecosystem services of the soil food web after long-term application of agricultural management practices. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 111:36-43 全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.03.017
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19. Zhang ZY, Zhang XK, Md.Mahamood, Zhang SQ, Huang SM, Liang WJ*. 2016. Effect of long-term combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil nematode communities within aggregates. Scientific Reports. 6:31118
20. Li Q*, Yang Y, Bao XL, Zhu JG, Liang WJ*, Bezemer TM. 2016. Cultivar specific plant-soil feedback overrules soil legacy effects of elevated ozone in a rice-wheat rotation system. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 232:85–92 全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2016.07.025
21. Zhang ZY, Zhang XK, Xu MG*, Zhang SQ, Huang SM, Liang WJ*. 2016. Responses of soil micro-food web to long-term fertilization in a wheat-maize rotation system. Applied Soil Ecology. 98:56-64
22. Yu J, Adrian Unc, Zhang XK , Yosef Steinberger. 2016. Responses of the soil microbial catabolic profile and diversity to vegetation rehabilitation in degraded semiarid grassland. Applied Soil Ecology. 101:124-131
23. Yu J*, Guan PT, Zhang XK, Ma NN, Yosef Steinberger. 2016. Biocrusts beneath replanted shrubs account for the enrichment of macro and micronutrients in semi-arid sandy land. Journal of Arid Environments. 128:1-7
1. Zhang XK*, Wu X, Zhang SX, Xing YH, Liang WJ. 2019. Organic amendment effects on nematode distribution within aggregate fractions in agricultural soils. Soil Ecology Letters, 1(3-4):147-156
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