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应尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com邀请,我所首位“爱因斯坦讲席教授”、比利时根特大学的Willy Verstraete教授将于6月13—6月17日来我所访问,并做2场学术报告,欢迎老师和同学踊跃参加。

报告题目:Anaerobic Digestion in the Biorefinery: Harvesting fuel from biomass
人:Prof. Dr. Willy VERSTRAETE
     The Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology (LabMET)
     Ghent University, Belgium (比利时 根特大学) 
时   间:6月15日(星期一),上午9:30   
地   点:北楼四楼会议室
  At present, a variety of routes are explored to harvest fuel from plant biomass. The
routes of bioethanol and biodiesel actually receive most attention. Yet, to make the concept of a biorefinery complete, these routes must also deal with the aspects of treating the
residual downstream products and the recycle of the mineral nutrients.
   Various routes are currently explored at LabMET. First and foremost is the improved
digestion of secondary streams of the bioethanol/biodiesel production to produce biogas. A
second aspect relates to various approaches to optimize the direct digestion of first and
second generation energy crops (higher plants and also algae) to methane. A third theme is
the closing of the mineral cycles of energy crops and their impact on the soil fertility
and health.
   As a corollary, this line of research explores new ways to decrease the emission of
greenhouse gases and to step up the deposition of carbon sequestered in the form of
microbial biomass and humus in the soils on which the energy crops are cultivated. 
报告题目:1. Microbiology of the electrochemical active bacteria
     2. Processes and microbiology for maximal use of resources in used water
人:Prof. Dr. Willy VERSTRAETE
     The Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology ( LabMET )
     Ghent University, Belgium (比利时根特大学)
  A microbial fuel cell is a mimic of a biological system, in which bacteria transfer
electrons, gained from their substrate, towards an electrode instead of towards their
natural electron acceptor. Microbial fuel cells have a considerable potential to contribute
sustainable development. They have the capability to provide an energy-efficient
wastewater treatment and thus energy savings. Compared to conventional aerobic wastewater
treatment, removal of residual organic matter from wastewater by a MFC represents a step
forward since aeration costs can be lower. Furthermore, compared to anaerobic wastewater
treatment (typically for high COD impacted streams), there is an advantage with respect to
the post-treatment. Indeed, whereas the biogas produced during anaerobic treatment can be
used for electricity generation, concomitantly a low efficiency of gas to electricity
conversion is obtained. This low conversion efficiency is circumvented using microbial
fuel cells, which directly produce electricity. MFCs offer industries the opportunity to
the ever more stringent environmental regulations since MFCs aim at an advanced
anaerobic COD removal



  Willy Verstraete教授,比利时皇家科学与艺术学院院士。曾获“Intermediair Prize”奖(1975年)、Altran奖(1999年)、比利时科学基金会应用科学奖(2005年)。国际水协会prestigious Imhoff Award奖(2006年)等。被学术期刊“Environmental Science and Technology”授予“Excellence in
Willy Verstraete教授历任欧盟环境生物技术联合会生物技术工作组联席主席(1989-1993)、欧洲环境研究组织总干事(1991-1997)、经济合作发展组织(OCED)环境生物技术工作组委员(1990-1998)、比利时弗莱芒皇家工程师协会会长(1997-1999)、国际水协会比利时分会主席。欧洲生物技术联合会环境生物技术国际论坛大会主席(1991、1997、2004)、国际水协会厌氧消化大会主席(1994、2001)。
  Willy Verstraete教授在废水好氧生物处理(尤其是硝化-反硝化作用)、废水/污泥及固体废弃物的厌氧消化、污染土壤及沉积物生物修复、饮用水生产的设计与运行管理(慢速沙滤)等研究领域有着丰富经验。近年来,又在微生物燃料电池、生物质能源与厌氧消化、生物脱氮新理论、难降解物质生物降解、剩余污泥减量化等方面开展了领先性研究。
