邮编:110016 电话:024-83970355; E-mail: ljchen@iae.ac.cn; ljchenchina@hotmail.com
2004.07-2007.03:日本国立环境研究所,Eco-Frontier Fellow
1. 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com战略先导科技专项A专题“磷素高效活化提升利用技术” 2021-2026. 主持88.3万元
2. 国家重点研发专项--粮食丰产增效科技创新子课题“黑钙土有机质提升与肥力培育技术”. 2016-2020. 主持. 106万元
3. 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划重点项目课题“农业购买性资源适量化投入关键技术集成与示范”. 2012-2016. 主持. 899万元
4. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)专题“土壤水养源汇容量和缓冲能力拓展机理与扩增途径”. 2011-2015. 主持. 100万元
5. 国家自然科学基金“外源植酸酶在土壤固液相的活性分配及其有机磷水解特性”. 2012-2015. 主持. 63.2万元
6. 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com知识创新工程重要方向项目“东北主要农田土壤酶促过程及调控”. 2005-2008. 主持. 150万元
7. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重点项目课题“氮磷肥缓释、促释技术研究”. 2006-2010. 主持. 350万元
8. 国家自然科学基金项目“转基因作物毒素土壤存活特性及与土壤生物学活性的关系”. 2002-2004. 主持. 25万元
9. 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973)专题“土—岩界面物质交换及对土壤健康的影响”. 1999-2004. 主持. 30万元
1.Nan Jiang, Kai Wei, Yulan Zhang, Hongtu Xie, Hongxu Bao, Lijun Chen*. 2022. Effects of the reduction in chemical fertilizers on soil phosphatases encoding genes (phoD and phoX) under crop residue mulching. Applied Soil Ecology 175: 104428.
2.N Jiang, K Wei, JH Pu, WJ Huang, HX Bao, LJ Chen*. A balanced reduction in mineral fertilizers benefits P reserve and inorganic P-solubilizing bacterial communities under residue input. Applied Soil Ecology, 2021, 159:103833.
3.Kai Wei, Zhenhua Chen, Nan Jiang, Yulan Zhang, Jiao Feng, Jihui Tian, Xiaodong Chen, Chunrong Lou, Lijun Chen*. Effects of mineral phosphorus fertilizer reduction and maize straw incorporation on soil phosphorus availability, acid phosphatase activity, and maize grain yield in northeast China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2020, 1714031.
4.Guohui Wu,Kai Wei , Zhenhua Chen, Dongqi Jiang, Hongtu Xie, Nan Jiang*, Lijun Chen*. Crop residue application at low rates could improve soil phosphorus cycling under long-term no-tillage management. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2021, 57:499–511.
5.Guohui Wu, Zhenhua Chen, Dongqi Jiang, Nan Jiang*, Hui Jiang, Lijun Chen*. Oxidases and hydrolases mediate soil organic matter accumulation in chernozem of northeastern China. Geoderma, 2021,403: 115206.
6.Guohui Wu, Zhenhua Chen, Nan Jiang*, Hui Jiang, Lijun Chen*. Effects of long-term no-tillage with different residue application rates on soil nitrogen cycling. Soil and Tillage Research, 2021,212: 105044.
7.Xiaodong Chen, Nan Jiang, Leo M. Condron, Kari E. Dunfield, Zhenhua Chen, Jingkuan Wang, Lijun Chen. 2019. Impact of long-term phosphorus fertilizer inputs on bacterial phoD gene community in a maize field, Northeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 669: 1011-1018.
8.Jihui Tian, Gustavo Boitt, Amanda Black, Steven Wakelin, Lijun Chen, Kunzeng Cai, Leo Condron. 2019. Mass balance assessment of phosphorus dynamics in a fertilizer trial with 57 years of superphosphate application under irrigated grazed pasture. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.
9.Kai Wei, Zhenhua Chen, Xiaoping Zhang, Lijun Chen. 2019. Phosphorus forms and their distribution under long-term no tillage systems. Plant, Soil and Environment, 69(1): 35-40.
10.Liming Lai, Lijun Chen, Mingqing Zheng, Lianhe Jiang, Jihua Zhou, Yuanrun Zheng, Hideyuki Shimizu. 2019. Seed germination and seedling growth of five desert plants and their relevance to vegetation restoration. Ecology and Evolution, 9: 2160–2170.
11. Jiao Feng, Benjamin L. Turner, Kai Wei, Jihui Tian, Zhenhua Chen, Xiaotao Lü, Chao Wang, Lijun Chen. 2018. Divergent composition and turnover of soil organic nitrogen along a climate gradient in arid and semiarid grasslands. Geoderma, 327: 36-44.
12.Kai Wei, Tao Sun, Jihui Tian, Zhenhua Chen, Lijun Chen. 2018. Soil microbial biomass, phosphatase and their relationships with phosphorus turnover under mixed inorganic and organic nitrogen addition in a Larix gmelinii plantation. Forest Ecology and Management, 422: 313-322.
13.Nan Jiang*, Yinghua Juan*, Lulu Tian, Xiaodong Chen, Wentao Sun, Lijun Chen. 2018. Modification of the composition of dissolved nitrogen forms, nitrogen transformation processes, and diversity of bacterial communities by freeze–thaw events in temperate soils. Pedobiologia, 71: 41-49. * co-first authors.
14.Kai Wei, Zhenhua Chen, Xiaoping Zhang, Lijun Chen. 2018. Phosphorus forms and their distribution under long-term no tillage systems. Plant, Soil and Environment, DOI: 10.17221/270/2018-PSE
15.Yinghua Juan, Nan Jiang, Lulu Tian, Xiaodong Chen, Wentao Sun, Lijun Chen. 2018. Effect of freeze-thaw on a mid-temperate soil bacterial community and the correlation network of its members. BioMed Research International, 8412429.
16.Kai Wei, Hongxu Bao, Shaomin Huang, Lijun Chen. 2017. Effects of long-term fertilization on available P, P composition and phosphatase activities in soil from the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 237: 134-142.
17.Wang RZ, Zhang YL, Cerda? A, Cao MM, Zhang YY, Yin JF, Jiang Y, Chen LJ. 2017. Changes in soil chemical properties as affected by pyrogenic organic matter amendment with different intensity and frequency. Geoderma, DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.12.006
18.Yang X.Z., Chen L.J. 2016. Distribution of exogenous phytase activity in soil solid-liquid phases and their effect on soil organic P hydrolysis. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201600421
19. Feng J., Turner B. L., Lü X.T., Chen Z.H., Wei K., Tian J.H., Wang C., Luo W.T., Chen L.J. 2016. Phosphorus transformations along a large-scale climosequence in arid and semiarid grasslands of northern China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30: 1264-1275.
20. Jihui Tian, Kai Wei, Leo M. Condron, Zhenhua Chen, Zhuwen Xu, Lijun Chen. 2016. Impact of land use and nutrient addition on phosphatase activities and their relationships with organic phosphorus turnover in semi-arid grassland soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52: 675-683.
21. Jiang N., Wei K., Chen L.J. 2016. Long-term chronological shifts in bacterial communities and hydrolytic extracellular enzyme activities in the forty years following a land-use change from upland fields to paddy fields. Pedobiologia, 59: 17-26.
22.Jiang Nan, Wei Kai, Chen Lijun, Chen Rui. 2016. Duration-related variations in archaeal communities after a change from upland fields to paddy fields. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 26(5): 867-875.
23. YANG Xiaozhu, WEI Kai, CHEN Zhenhua, CHEN Lijun. 2016. Soil phosphorus composition and phosphatase activities along altitudes of alpine tundra in Changbai Mountains, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 26(1): 90-98.
24. Zhang Yu-lan, Chen Li-jun, Zhang Yu-ge, Wu Zhi-jie, Ma Xing-zhu, Yang Xiaozhu. 2016. Examining the effects of biochar application on soil phosphorus levels and phosphatase activity through visible and fluorescence spectroscopy. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 36(7): 2325-2329.
25. Liming Lai, Lijun Chen, Lianhe Jiang, Jihua Zhou, Yuanrun Zheng, Hideyuki Shimizu. 2016. Seed germination of seven desert plants and implications for vegetation restoration. AoB PLANTS, 8: plw031.
26.Jiang Nan, Li Yang, Zheng Chenggang, Chen Lijun, Wei Kai, Feng Jiao, Tian Jihui. 2015. Characteristic microbial communities in the continuous permafrost beside the bitumen in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74: 1343-1352.
27. Yang Xiao-zhu, Chen Zhen-hua, Zhang Yu-lan, Chen Li-jun. 2015. Effects of exogenous phytase addition on soil phosphatase activities: a fluorescence spectroscopy study. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 35(5): 1291-1299.
28.Zhang Y.L., Chen L.J., Chen X.H., Duan Z.H., Wu Z.J., Li X.J., Fan X.H. 2015. Response of soil enzyme activity to long-term restoration of desertified land. Catena, 133: 64-70.
29.隽英华, 陈振华, 张玉兰, 张丽莉, 陈利军. 2015. 脲酶抑制剂氢醌对土壤脲酶动力学行为的调控效应. 中国土壤与肥料, 4: 53-58.
30. Wei K., Chen Z.H., Zhu A.N., Zhang J.B., Chen L.J. 2014. Application of 31P NMR spectroscopy in determining phosphatase activities and P composition in soil aggregates influenced by tillage and residue management practices. Soil & Tillage Research, 138: 35-43.
31.Wei K., Chen Z.H., Zhang X.P., Liang W.J., Chen L.J. 2014. Tillage effects on phosphorus composition and phosphatase activities in soil aggregates. Geoderma, 217-218: 37-44.
32.ZHANG GuangNa, CHEN ZhenHua, ZHANG AiMing, CHEN LiJun, WU ZhiJie. 2014. Influence of climate warming and nitrogen deposition on soil phosphorus composition and phosphorus availability in a temperate grassland, China. Journal of Arid Land, 6(2): 156–163.
33.Zhang Guangna, Chen Zhenhua, Zhang Aiming, Chen Lijun, Wu Zhijie, Ma Xingzhu. 2014. Phosphorus composition and phosphatase activities in soils affected by long-term application of pig manure and inorganic fertilizers. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 45(14): 1866-1876.
34.Juan Ying, Chen Zhen, Chen Lijun, Qiu Wei, Zhang Li, Zhang Yu. 2014. Kinetics of soil urease in four agricultural soils affected by urease inhibitor PPD at contrasting moisture regimes. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 45: 2268-2276.
35.Ma Xingzhu, Wu Zhijie, Chen Lijun, Zhou Baoku, Gao Zhongchao, Hao Xiaoyu, Zhang Junzheng. 2014. Effect of long-term fertilization on phosphate content of black soils in northeast China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, 63(supp. 2): 156-161.
36.张玉兰, 陈利军, 段争虎, 武志杰, 孙彩霞, 王俊宇. 2014. 荧光光谱法测定生物炭/秸秆输入土壤后酶活性的变化. 光谱学与光谱分析, 34(2): 455-459.
37. 魏锴, 陈振华, 陈利军. 2014. 肥料适量化投入技术与集成研究进展[A]. 李国学. 中国循环农业理论与实践研究进展[C]. 北京: 中国农业大学出版社, pp: 248-261.
38.Sun C.X., Yuan F., Zhang Y.L., Cui Z.B., Chen Z.H., Chen L.J., Wu Z.J. 2013. Unintended effects of genetic transformation on photosynthetic gas exchange, leaf reflectance and plant growth properties in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Photosynthetica, 51 (1): 22-32.
39.GONG Ping, ZHANG Li-Li, WU Zhi-Jie, CHEN Zhen-Hua, CHEN Li-Jun. 2013. Responses of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in two agricultural soils to nitrification inhibitors DCD and DMPP: a pot experiment. Pedosphere, 23(6): 729–739.
40.Zhang Guangna, Chen Zhenhua, Zhang Aiming, Chen Lijun, Wu Zhijie. 2013. Nitrogen and phosphorus related hydrolytic enzyme activities influenced by N deposition under semi-arid grassland. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731: 3847-3854.
41.Zhang G.N., Chen Z.H., Zhang A.M., Chen L.J., Wu Z.J. 2013. Effects of N deposition on typical hydrolytic enzyme activities by fluorimetric assay. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25(18):10335-10338.
42. 张艾明, 陈振华, 陈利军, 武志杰, 张玉兰. 2013. 冷冻干燥过程中pH调节、缓冲液添加对土壤31P核磁共振谱图的影响. 土壤通报, 44(2): 328-332.
43.张广娜, 陈振华, 陈利军, 武志杰, 魏锴, 张艾明, 张玉兰. 2013. 东北地区三种典型土壤磷组分的31P核磁共振研究及其与土壤磷酸酶活性的关系. 土壤通报, 44(3): 617-623.
44.Chen Z.H., Chen L.J., Wu Z.J. 2012. Relationship among persistence of Bacillus thuringiensis and Cowpea trypsin inhibitor proteins, microbial properties and enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil after repeated cultivation with transgenic cotton. Applied Soil Ecology, 53: 23-30.
45. Zhang A.M., Chen Z.H., Zhang G.N., Chen L.J., Wu Z.J. 2012. Soil phosphorus composition determined by 31P NMR spectroscopy and relative phosphatase activities influenced by land use. European Journal of Soil Biology, 52: 73-77.
46.Zhang SX, Li Q, Zhang XP, Wei K, Chen LJ, Liang WJ. 2012. Effects of conservation tillage on soil aggregation and aggregate binding agents in black soil of Northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research, 124: 196-202.
47.李东坡, 武志杰, 梁成华, 陈利军, 张玉兰, 聂彦霞. 2012. 红外光谱分析丙烯酸树脂包膜尿素膜降解特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 32(03): 635-641.
48.李东坡, 武志杰, 梁成华, 陈利军, 张玉兰, 聂彦霞. 2012. 红外光谱分析醋酸酯淀粉包膜尿素膜降解特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 32(06): 1519-1525.
49.孙彩霞, 袁飞, 张玉兰, 陈振华, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2012. 基于单叶反射光谱的转基因大麦光合特性分析. 光谱学与光谱分析, 32 (01): 204-208.
50.Chen Z.H., Chen L.J., Zhang Y.L., Wu Z.J. 2011. Microbial properties, enzyme activities and the persistence of exogenous proteins in soil under consecutive cultivationof transgenic cottons (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant, Soil and Environment, 57(2): 67-74.
51. Wang J.B., Chen Z.H., Chen L.J., Zhu A.N., Wu Z.J. 2011. Surface soil phosphorus and phosphatase activities affected by tillage and crop residue input amounts. Plant, Soil and Environment, 57(6): 251–257.
52.Zhang Yulan, Chen Lijun, Wu Zhijie, Sun Caixia. 2011. Kinetic parameters of soil β-glucosidase response to environmental temperature and moisture regimes. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 35(4): 1285-1291.
53.陈振华, 张玉兰, 贾银华, 陈利军, 刘兴斌, 武志杰. 2011. 转基因棉花残体土壤降解特征的红外光谱研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 31 (1): 77-81.
54. Juan Y.H., Chen Z.H., Chen L.J., Wu Z.J., Wang R., Sun W.T., Zhang Y.L. 2010. Kinetic and thermodynamic behaviors of soil urease as affected by urease inhibitors. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 10(1): 1-11.
55.Ma X.Z., Chen L.J., Chen Z.H., Wu Z.J., Zhang L.L., Zhang Y.L. 2010. Soil glycosidase activities and water soluble organic carbon under different land use types. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 10(2): 93-101.
56.Zhang L., Wu Z., Jiang Y., Chen L., Song Y., Wang L., Xie J., Ma X. 2010. Fate of applied urea 15N in a soil-maize system as affected by urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor. Plant, Soil and Environment, 56(1): 345-348.
57. ZHANG Li-Li, WU Zhi-Jie, SHI Yun-Feng, CHEN Li-Jun, Song Yu-Chao, JUAN Ying-Hua. 2010. Inhibitory effects of aromatic compounds on soil nitrification. Pedosphere, 20(3): 326-333.
58.Zhang, Y.L., Chen, L.J., Chen, Z. H., Sun, C.X., Wu, Z.J., Tang, X.H. 2010. Soil nutrient contents and enzymatic characteristics as affected by 7-year no tillage under maize cropping in a meadow brown soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 10(2): 150-157.
59.Zhang Y.L., Chen L.J., Sun C.X., Li D.P., Wu Z.J., Duan Z.H. 2010. Kinetic and thermodynamic properties of hydrolases in Northeastern China soils affected by temperature. Agrochimica, LIV(4): 232-244.
60. Zhang Y.L., Chen L.J., Sun C.X., Wu Z.J., Chen Z.H., Dong G.H. 2010. Soil hydrolase activities and kinetic properties as affected by wheat cropping systems of Northeastern China. Plant, Soil and Environment, 56(11): 526-532.
61.隽英华, 武志杰, 陈利军, 汪仁, 宫亮, 包红静, 刘艳. 2010. 东北四种典型土壤粘粒矿物的初步表征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 30 (7): 1918-1921.
62.刘兴斌, 陈利军, 武志杰, 王月, 张玉兰, 李东坡. 2010. 自然光和土培条件下膜材红外吸收光谱变化. 光谱学与光谱分析, 30(2): 323-326.
63.张玉兰, 孙彩霞, 陈振华, 李东坡, 刘兴斌, 陈利军, 武志杰, 杜剑雄. 2010. 红外光谱法测定肥料施用26年土壤的腐殖质组分特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 30 (5): 1210-1213.
64.张玉兰, 孙彩霞,段争虎, 陈利军,武志杰, 陈晓红, 张艾明, 刘兴斌, 王俊宇. 2010. 光谱法分析固沙工程对土壤腐殖质及组分的影响. 光谱学与光谱分析, 30(1): 79-183.
65.刘兴斌, 武志杰, 陈利军, 王月, 李东坡. 2010. 膜材和喷膜工艺对尿素包膜效果的影响. 农业工程学报, 26(4): 380-384.
66.张玉兰, 陈利军. 2010. 沙漠化逆转过程中土壤性状演变综述. 生态学杂志, 29(7):1440-1450.
67.张玉兰, 孙彩霞, 段争虎, 陈利军, 武志杰, 马星竹, 王俊宇. 2010. 堆肥原位保氮技术研究进展. 土壤通报, 41(4): 1000-1004.
68.Juan Y. H., Chen L. J., Wu Z. J., Wang R. 2009. Kinetics of soil urease affected by urease inhibitors at contrasting moisture regimes. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 9(2): 125-133.
69.Zhang Y. L., Sun C. X., Chen L. J., Duan Z. H. 2009. Catalytic potential of soil hydrolases in Northeast China under different soil moisture conditions. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 9(2): 116-124.
70.刘兴斌, 陈利军, 武志杰, 张广娜. 2009. 三种膜材喷涂尿素前后红外吸收的研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 29 (09): 2361-2364.
71.史云峰, 武志杰, 陈利军, 陈光, 刘耀鹏, 张丽莉. 2009. 吡唑和1-甲胺酰基吡唑类化合物的紫外吸收光谱及其应用. 光谱学与光谱分析, 29(3): 781-785.
72.张丽莉, 武志杰, 陈利军, 李东坡, 马星竹, 史云峰. 2009. 微孔板荧光法对土壤糖酶活性的测定研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 29(5): 1341-1344.
73.隽英华, 武志杰, 陈利军. 2009. 基于紫外吸收光谱的酚类衍生物含量检测研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 29 (8): 2232-2235.
74.陈振华, 孙彩霞, 郝建军, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2009. 土壤酶活性对大田单季种植转Bt基因及转双价棉花的响应. 植物营养与肥料学报, 15(5): 1226-1230.
75.张玉兰, 陈利军, 武志杰, 陈振华, 段争虎, 孙彩霞. 2009. 连续流动技术分光光度法测定土壤脲酶活性. 环境科学与技术, 32(B06): 236-238.
76.Zheng Y. R., Rimmington G.M., Xie Z. X., Zhang L., An P., Zhou G. S., Li X.J., Yu Y. J., Chen L. J., Shimizu H. 2008. Responses to air temperature and soil moisture of growth of four dominant species on sand dunes of central Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Research, 121: 473–482.
77.陈振华, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2008. 转基因作物对土壤生物学特性的影响. 土壤通报, 38(4): 971-976.
78.张广娜, 陈利军, 陈振华, 张玉兰. 2008. 大豆轮作与连作对黑钙土酶活性和动力学特性的影响. 大豆科学, 27(5): 795-800.
79. 马星竹, 陈利军, 武志杰, 张丽莉. 2008. 长期施肥对黑土糖苷酶和磷酸单酯酶活性的影响. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 34(5): 546-551.
80.马星竹, 陈利军, 武志杰, 张玉兰, 房娜娜. 2008. 长期施肥土壤β-葡糖苷酶动力学特性研究. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 34(5): 552-556.
81.隽英华, 陈利军, 武志杰, 马星竹. 2008. 苯基磷酰二胺对土壤脲酶的抑制作用动力学研究. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 34(4): 431-438.
82.刑卫, 陈利军, 陈振华, 武志杰, 隽英华, 史云峰. 2008. NBPT与DMPP不同剂量组合对尿素氮转化的影响. 土壤通报, 38(4): 896-899.
83.张玉兰, 王俊宇, 陈振华, 张广娜, 陈利军. 2008. 草甸白浆土水解酶活性和动力学特性对保护性耕作方式的响应. 水土保持学报, 22(3): 163-167.
84.张玉兰, 陈振华, 马星竹, 陈利军. 2008. 潮棕壤稻田不同氮磷肥配施对土壤酶活性及生产力的影响. 土壤通报, 39(3): 518-523.
85.张玉兰, 陈振华, 陈利军, 王俊宇, 史云峰, 隽英华. 2008. 三江平原白浆土水解酶活性和动力学特性对不同连作农作物的响应. 土壤通报, 39(4): 837-839.
86.张丽莉, 陈利军, 武志杰, 朱平, 高洪军. 2008. 长期施肥对棕壤氧化还原酶活性和动力学特性的影响. 土壤通报, 38(4): 845-848.
87.Sun C. X., Chen L. J., Wu Z. J., Zhou L. K., Shimizu H. 2007. Soil persistence of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin from transgenic Bt cotton tissues and its effect on soil enzyme activities. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43(5): 417-420.
88.陈利军, 武志杰, 张丽莉, 周礼恺. 2007. 中国土壤酶学研究: 成就、问题和建议 (第二部分,第三章). 见: 中国土壤学会编.中国土壤科学的现状与展望. 南京: 河海大学出版社, pp 101-109.
89.陈振华, 陈利军, 武志杰, 张玉兰, 隽英华. 2007. 辽河下游平原不同水分条件下稻田氨挥发. 应用生态学报, 18(12): 2771-2776.
90.隽英华, 陈利军, 武志杰, 史云峰. 2007. 脲酶/硝化抑制剂在土壤N转化过程中的作用. 土壤通报, 38(4): 773-780.
91. 陈振华, 陈利军, 武志杰, 张丽莉, 隽英华. 2006. 下辽河平原潮棕壤稻田的无机氮淋溶. 水土保持学报, 20(1): 59-62.
92.张玉兰, 陈利军. 2006. 土壤芳基硫酸酯酶及其活性和农业措施影响. 土壤通报, 7(4): 792-798.
93.孙彩霞, 张玉兰, 缪璐, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2006. 转基因作物种植对土壤养分含量的影响. 应用生态学报, 17(5): 943-946.
94.Zheng Y. R., Xie Z. X., Jiang L. H., Chen L. J., Yu Y. J., Zhou G. S., Shimizu H. 2005. Model of the Net Primary Productivity of terrestrial ecosystems in China and its response to climate change. Phyton-Annales Rei Botanicae, 45(4): 193-200.
95.Shimizu H., An P., Zheng Y. R., Chen L. J., Sase H., Totsuka T., Bulgan T., Zheng Y. 2005. Response to O3 and SO2 for five Mongolian semiarid plant species. Phyton-Annales Rei Botanicae, 45(4): 601-607.
96. Jiao Xiaoguang, Liang Wenju, Chen Lijun, Zhang Haijun, Li Qi, Wang Peng and Wen Dazhong. 2005. Effects of slow-released urea fertilizers on urease activity, microbial biomass, and nematode communities in an aquic brown soil. Science in China Ser. C Vol. 48 Supp.26-32.
97.张玉兰, 陈利军, 张丽莉. 2005. 土壤质量的酶学指标研究. 土壤通报, 36(4): 598-604.
98. 张丽莉, 陈利军, 张玉兰, 武志杰. 2005. 土壤氧化还原酶催化动力学研究进展. 应用生态学报, 16(2): 371-374.
99.陈振华, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2005. 脲酶-硝化抑制剂对减缓尿素转化产物氧化及淋溶的作用. 应用生态学报, 16(2): 238-242.
100.沈菊培, 陈利军. 2005. 土壤磷酸酶活性对施肥-种植-耕作制度的响应. 土壤通报, 36(4): 622-627.
101.孙彩霞, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2005. Bt毒素在转基因棉花与土壤系统中的分布. 应用生态学报, 16(9): 1765-1768.
102.孙彩霞, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2004. Bt杀虫晶体蛋白的土壤残留及其对土壤磷酸酶活性的影响. 土壤学报, 41(5): 762-765.
103. 孙彩霞, 陈利军, 武志杰, 吴琼, 陈翠微. 2004. 转Bt基因棉花杀虫晶体蛋白及光合特性的研究. 应用生态学报, 15(10): 1878-1882.
104.张丽莉, 张玉兰, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2004. 稻-麦轮作系统土壤糖酶活性对开放式CO2浓度增高的响应. 应用生态学报, 15(6): 1019-1024.
105.张玉兰, 张丽莉, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2004. 稻-麦轮作系统土壤水解酶及氧化还原酶活性对开放式空气CO2浓度增高的响应. 应用生态学报, 15(6): 1014-1018.
106.CHEN Lijun, WU Zhijie, JIANG Yong, ZHOU Likai, XIAO Shisheng and CHEN Li. 2003. Mechanism of soil enzymological regulation of urea-N transformation through inhibitors application. Fertilization in the Third Millenium-Fertilizer, Food Security and Environmental Protection-12th World Fertilizer Congress of CIEC. pp 984-997.
107.董广辉, 陈利军, 武志杰, 肖世盛, 陈利, 雷恩春. 2003. 外源硒对大豆产量、植物氮磷含量及土壤酶活性的影响. 应用生态学报, 14(5): 776-780.
108.张丽莉, 陈利军, 刘桂芬, 武志杰. 2003. 污染土壤的酶学修复研究进展. 应用生态学报, 14(12): 2342-2346.
109.张玉兰, 陈利军, 刘桂芬, 武志杰. 2003. 土壤水解酶类催化动力学研究进展. 应用生态学报, 14(12): 2326-2332.
110.孙彩霞, 陈利军, 武志杰, 张玉兰, 张丽莉. 2003. 种植转Bt基因水稻对土壤酶活性的影响. 应用生态学报, 14(12): 2261-2264.
111.陈利军, 武志杰, 姜勇, 周礼恺. 2002. 与N转化有关的土壤酶活性对抑制剂施用的响应.应用生态学报, 13(9): 1099-1103.
112.陈利军, 武志杰, 黄国宏, 周礼恺. 2002. 大气CO2 增加对土壤脲酶、磷酸酶活性的影响.应用生态学报, 13(10): 1356-1357.
113. 孙彩霞, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2002. 转Bt基因作物毒素土壤存活特性及与土壤性质的关系研究进展. 应用生态学报, 13(11): 1478-1482.
114. 董广辉, 陈利军, 武志杰. 2002. 植物硒素营养及其机理研究进展. 应用生态学报, 13(11): 1487-1490.
115. Chen Lijun, Zhou Likai, O Van Cleemput and Li Ronghua. 2000. Comparison of urea-derived N2O emission from soil and soil-plant system. Pedosphere, 10(3): 207-212.
116.陈利军, 周礼恺. 2000. 土壤保肥-供肥机理及其调节 IV. 棕壤型菜园土肥力的调节与培育及其作用实质. 应用生态学报, 11(4): 532-534.
117. 陈利军, 周礼恺, 李荣华, 史奕. 2000. 有机物料施用条件下抑制剂组合对施尿素土壤有效态N含量变化的影响. 应用生态学报(增刊), 11(supp.): 17-20.
118.陈利军, 周礼恺, P. Boeckx. 2000. 农药对砂壤土CH4氧化影响研究初报. 应用生态学报(增刊), 11(supp.): 63-66.
119. 陈利军, 周礼恺, 史奕, 李荣华. 2000. 抑制剂组合对模拟水田N2O和CH4排放关系影响.应用生态学报(增刊), 11(supp.): 81-85.
120. 陈利军, 周礼恺. 1999. 土壤保肥-供肥机理及其调节 II. 棕壤型菜园土的腐殖质结合形态及其肥力学意义. 应用生态学报, 10(4): 427-429.
121.陈利军, 周礼恺,张岫岚. 1999. 土壤保肥-供肥机理及其调节 III. 棕壤型菜园土的N素保持与供应. 应用生态学报, 10(6): 676-678.
122.陈利军, 周礼恺, 李荣华. 1999. 脲酶抑制剂氢醌(HQ)、硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD)和包被碳化钙(ECC)及其组合对春小麦尿素N利用及其产量的影响. 迈向21世纪的土壤科学, 中国土壤学会第九次会员代表大会论文集(辽宁省卷). pp 62-66.
123.Chen L., Boeckx P., Zhou L., O. Van Cleemput., Li R. 1998. Effect of hydroquinone, dicyandiamide and encapsulated calcium carbide on urea-N uptake by spring wheat, soil mineral N content and N2O emission. Soil Use and Management, 14: 230-233.
124.陈利军, 张岫岚, 周礼恺. 1998. 土壤保肥-供肥机理及其调节 I. 棕壤型菜园土的P素保持与供应. 应用生态学报, 9(3): 254-256.
125.陈利军, 邹邦基, 史奕, 党连超, 朱玺. 1995. 旱地施肥对春小麦根系生长、代谢的影响及促进水分利用的机理. 植物营养与肥料学报, 1(2): 26-32.
126.陈利军, 史奕, 李荣华, 胡连生, 周礼恺. 1995. 脲酶抑制剂和硝化抑制剂的协同作用对尿素氮转化和N2O排放的影响. 应用生态学报, 6(4): 368-372.
1. 汪德水主编. 1999. 旱地农田肥水协同效应与耦合模式. 北京: 气象出版社 (编委)
2. 武志杰, 陈利军. 2003. 缓释/控释肥料: 原理与应用. 北京: 科学出版社
3. 王春裕, 武志杰, 陈利军. 主编. 2004. 中国东北盐渍土. 北京: 科学出版社
1. 刘作新主编. 1999. 迈向21世纪的土壤科学(辽宁省卷). 沈阳: 辽宁科学技术出版社(编委)
2. 中国土壤学会编. 2007. 中国土壤科学的现状与展望. 南京: 河海大学出版社(编委)
3. 李国学主编. 2014. 中国循环农业理论与实践研究进展. 北京: 中国农业大学出版社(编委)
“长效缓释肥料研制与应用”. 国家科技进步二等奖(排名第三. 证书号: 2008-J-251-2-10-R03)